Apple announced the Vision Pro AR/VR headset way back in June 2023 but it didn't give us all of the details that you might have expected. But now, as the headset gets ready for its big June 2 release the company has started to share more and more details about what we can expect when the headset finally arrives. As a part of that, we now know what apps the headset will come with preinstalled.
Apple has shared a full list of the apps that will come installed on every single new Vision Pro when buyers first put it on, and there is a total of 25 apps for people to look forward tousing. However, out of those 25 apps a surprisingly large number aren't Vision Pro apps at all. Instead, they're iPad apps that have been preinstalled on the headset to make up the numbers. And perhaps more worrying is the fact that some of them are core apps that you might have expected Apple to focus on getting ready for the big day.
Of the 25 apps that Apple will preinstall, the following have been redesigned and optimized for the Vision Pro:
- App Store
- Encounter Dinosaurs
- Files
- Freeform
- Keynote
- Messages
- Mindfulness
- Music
- Notes
- Photos
- Safari
- Settings
- Tips
- TV
The rest of the apps are simply iPad apps that have not yet been optimized to make the most of the Vision Pro or its capabilities. Those apps include Books, Caendar, Home, Maps, News, Podcasts, Reminders, Shortcuts, Stocks, and Voice Memos.
Of those apps, Calendar and Reminders stand out as two apps that we might have expected Apple to ensure have special Vision Pro versions for before launch, but we can only hope that they will get updated versions in the future.
Notably, while Keynote is listed there is no mention of similar apps like Pages or Numbers. And the lack of Health, Clock, Contacts, and Weather apps is also notable. It's possible that those apps are available but will need to be downloaded from the App Store. however.
It's also important to remember that the App Store will have a number of third-party Vision Pro apps available at launch while developers can also choose to make their iPad apps available on the headset as well. If they do, it's likely that the Vision Pro will have plenty of apps for people to download when they get their new headset.
The Vision Pro headset goes on sale on February 2 and will cost $3499 for the base 256GB model while more storage options are available up to the maximum 1TB. A cheaper Vision Pro is also reportedly in the works for a launch within the next few years.